Our Services
Up-to–the minute news, accurate press representation, and access to well connected local experts are essential to success. We offer a wide range of services to fit all of our clients’ unique communications needs:
As former journalists, we have a vast network of press contacts and relationships that we’ve fostered over many years. We leverage that experience to help our clients achieve their PR goals.
Our industry experts provide on demand reports and advice about the Mexican market. Based on this common understanding of the landscape and our clients’ goals, we work together to form a comprehensive communication strategy.
Our team of former journalists and financial professionals is here to guide our clients through the entire press release process.
Miranda Media’s team will develop and enhance the strengths of the company’s spokesperson through training and clarification of concepts in preparation for media interviews focused on the company’s image and reputation.
We elaborate key messages with the most relevant topics for the company to provide spokespeople with the most important points to highlight during interviews, as well as for participation in forums and webinars, among other events.
Positioning of Whitepapers on specific topics for each relevant sector in Mexico. Distribution to press and interested parties with the objective of positioning the company as a firm that generates insights and has in-depth knowledge within their sector.
We have years of experience solving crises in a volatile environment. Our first step is to conduct an in-depth risk analysis and develop mitigation strategies for our clients’ unique situations. Our constant media monitoring catches issues early and our experts are available 24/7 to jump into action.
We offer customized, English-translated executive news summaries covering the most relevant industry news and all our clients’ mentions. This also includes live coverage of the president’s daily morning press conferences. Our clients hear about breaking news from us first.
Our experience in media allows us to create social media strategies according to the needs of each client, generating the right impact and aligned to the audiences of our clients.
We generate monthly reports that help us quantify the results of the impact we have on social networks.
Understanding the key stakeholders in your industry and Mexican government is crucial. Our research team provides clients with custom organizational charts and bios, they are reader friendly and constantly being updated.
Do you need help?
We are a team of leaders specialized in corporate and strategic communication.